Refocusing on Nutrition and Exercise

Tis the season for everyone to start up a fitness program and change the way they eat by learning what portion sizes actually are and what proteins, carbohydrates, fat’s and vegetables are and how they affect the body in unbalanced proportions.
One of the number one things people that are new to starting a fitness regimen is BEING held accountable either by themselves (which takes discipline) or by a coach or trainer. Accountability is very important when something like exercise which must be practiced daily and at varying intensity levels to keep what you have or to make improvements. The ability to hold yourself Accountable usually varies from person to person. This alone is a skill set and takes practice.
Hiring a coach can be a quick fix but if the investment is not made each month by both the coach and client meaning the client pays the right amount so that the coach can invest time into programing daily workouts with time to really create great workouts that are challenging yet manageable so the client or even athlete can continue to train, maintain and improve for 12 months and not just bits an pieces of a year. When investing in a coach for the right membership investment it allows the coach to keep up their business running solid and also improve it.
Taking control of your health is very important and will show up in all aspects of your life. Building the right fitness and strength habits in the gym, the kitchen and outside the gym all lead to a high quality of life.
But it does take an investment of time and resources with a coach so that New HABITS can grow and take place. Once you get strong and fit you will also have a new Mindset on life and how you can overcome daily challenges we face. There is more to fitness than meets the eye. So if you want change you must invest.